For the Chinese, the Birthday Misua is a staple in EVERY birthday. This is a must eat breakfast - especially for the oldies! For the longest time - it was my mom who cooked Misua for us. I honestly never learned because deep down inside, I knew my mom would lovingly cook for me! But since getting married - there's this tradition of my in-laws that I need to provide for the Birthday Misua whenever its my Panget's birthday. And so the search begins - I asked help in Twitterverse and I got a couple of suggestions. One of the suggestions (from Chico Girl) was from this caterer called Classic Chef, I never knew that they could make Birthday Misua! This caterer stuck to me because I know for a fact that they serve really good food! One of my aunt hires them every Christmas time and the food is really really good! :) Another reason was that - it was nearest me! :) hahaha.. Their price is also reasonable - P1,000.00 is this minimum and this is good ...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..