Picture taken from the American Idol site Quite honestly - I was really bored. There was no WOW factor!! Argh.. Felt like it was such a waste of time. I won't bother anymore with an individual critique, but here's what I think.. David Hernandez - now that's one of the great performances of the night. I never thought he was that good! I agree with Mindy when she said that David's voice reminded her or Elliot Yamin! Good call Minds!! David Archuleta - I am very much biased with his kid. I feel that he's the best one out there. One thing though, I am so afraid for him - I think he's peaking too soon. I'm so scared that he'll crash towards the end of the show. I hope he won't - but man this kid is really good. I love they shy-ness and innocence!! The others were quite forgettable - honest! Why is that I feel like the boys do not know how to take criticisms? You can see it in their faces that they're very much irritated. Guys - you n...
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