Being a breastfeeding/breastpumping mom - I've had my fair share of highs and lows. Good thing is that I have a supportive family, supportive friends and supportive (online) strangers who lift me up and give me advice on breastfeeding/breastpumping. My Kailee is nearing her 10th month mark and STILL I am giving her my breastmilk! Freezer Stash To pay it forward - I have been donating my frozen breastmilk to friends and strangers in need. Since I have a good supply - I share to those in need. Its just my way to support lactating mothers - help them when they need it. You see, breastfeeding/breastpumping is not easy - its really hardwork! One may say its FREE but you have to be healthy, nourished with good food and is hydrated at ALL times! And being well fed - well, that's not cheap! Storing and collecting breastmilk too is not cheap. You'd have to have ample refrigerator and freezer space. You'll need storage bags, storage c...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..