I am a Star Margarine kid. I grew up with Star Margarine on my bread and on my rice. I would remember asking my mom to buy Star Margarine so I would never run out of Star Rice every meal time. Hahaha! I'm glad now, I can share this love of Star Margarine with Kailee! She loves the Caramel flavor of Star Margarine - and honestly, I also do! We were both amazed on how good it was. So, every morning - Kailee would have bread with Star Margarine Caramel for breakfast. There was a time that I scrambled and looked for a supermarket that sold it, as the supermarkets nearby didn't have it. I remember buying 6 pieces just to make sure that we won't run out! Hahaha.. Kailee in her *gadget phase* she would almost always ask to borrow the iPad or my phone. I most of the time decline because I feel that the content of what they are watching/doing are blech. When school started, she would ask for my laptop because she wanted to rea...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..