For weeks now, I've been hearing the song 'Much has been said..' on the radio, as I asked my brother Tiu who sang the song, I was expecting his reply to be a familiar name of a foreign band. To my shock he said 'Bamboo yan noh!'. I was impressed! The song sounded so nice, and I LOVED it immediately . I was making him(Tiu) kulit to upload the song to my k750i phone, but he was quite busy with office stuffs.
Before I went to bed, I listened to the WHOLE album. That is something NEW to me, since I've NEVER done that. Whenever I get a CD, I'd just pick the song I liked and listened to it until I get tired of it (-that is how weird I am) But, with this CD, I listened to the songs one by one. And the verdict? ANG GALING - that's all I can say. It's definitely worth it. Every song has its own style. I liked it so much that I raved about it to my brother. Go buy the orignal one, IT'S WORTH EVERY PENNY... I swear!!!
When I got up this morning - I looked at my SUN cell phone and guess what FREE ringtone I received?? - The ringtone of 'Much has been said..' - co-inky-dink?? Hahaha..
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