I first saw Daniel Craig in Munich. He was really good there, and while watching - I couldn't believe he would be the next Bond. Somehow seeing him in bell bottoms didn't really help my imagination. But I swore to give him the benefit, that he would be able to portray the character well. He was picked out of so many candidates (I was partial to Clive Owen - but he doesn't look polished enough to be James Bond). He must posses something for the people behind the Bond franchise pick him, he must be good.
A few weeks before the actual showing in our local cinemas - my brother already told me that the movie has been getting good reviews. Apparently, Daniel Craig is bagay to be James Bond. Then on the week that it was showed, my brother confirmed to me that indeed - he was the perfect choice. This good review made me super eager to watch it. And the only time that my Panget and I had, was last Friday night. I was so excited to finally have the chance to watch it and since there has been a Poker craze for the past year - the movie became more interesting.
The first few minutes of the movie impressed me TOTALLY, I love black and white scenes! But what impressed me more was the action sequence, the action scene choreographer must be very very good! To be able to pull off such a stunt - wow! As the movie progresses, I saw more and more that Daniel Craig fit the character to a T! Again, I wouldn't have imagined any other actor to play James Bond. Even if he's blond - he reprises the role perfectly. I think the writers were able to humanize him more compared to his predecessors, not that they're not human, but Daniel Craig's portrayal is more realistic. This same trait is why I like watching Alias. The heroes of the show/movie can still have their asses kicked despite their being equipped and familiar with all the self-defense tactics. There's this scene that I loved - it was in the bathroom, just right after killing the black dudes - when he was comforting Vesper - I loved the way he showed his emotions. It was a simple gesture but the attack was really good. I'm such a sucker for these kinds of scenes... Hahahaha...
I loved this film so much, that I can still watch it again and again. There's just something with the new James Bond that I can't get enough of. I really really like him. I think this is the first Bond film to catch my fancy. The movie poster makes my knees weak - and I don't know why. There's just something, whatever it is, the most important thing is that - the franchise has another satisfied customer who will drool over the new Bond guy. And that is me.. :)
BTW - the theme song is also super!! :) Can't you see that I was literally SOLD on the film? I was bowled over. Literally.
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