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Tagged by Mindy!!

A - Age: 27 and 6 months

B - Band: Listening To Right Now: None eh...

C - Career: My mom's assistant in everything! (Seriously)

D - Drink or Smoke: I drink lots of water! I DON'T smoke.. ((yelch...)

E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: My Beijing Gang, my HS buddies (K, K & S) shempre, my Panget! (of course!)

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears - definitely bears..

H - Have a Boyfriend: Yes! And he's my Panget

I - In love: Very much (yuck! I can't believe I said this!!)

J - Junk Food You Like: French Fries and Potato chips!

K - Kids: zilch!

L - Longest Ride Ever: Plane ride from Manila to Hong Kong to Beijing - September 2002

N - Names For Your Future Kids: I'm partial to Katrin (but my Panget doesn't like it.. :( )

O - One Wish You Have Now: To win the Lotto Jackpot!

P - Phobias
: Cockroaches and lots (and lots) of ants!

Q - Favorite Quotes:

* "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" - I have to agree with Mindy on this!

* "Everything happens for a reason" - No matter how cheesy it is - I believe this!

R - Reasons To Smile: My doggies - Jenna, Jacob and Zowee. My Panget of course! Listening to Gary V. songs pre-Born Again, seeing pictures of Brangelina (I know!)

S - Sleeping Hours: I try to sleep as early as I can but I doze off between 1230-2am

T - Time You Woke Up: 7:00-7:30am

U - Unknown Fact About You: I did a Chinese dance on GMA Supershow when I was little.

V - Vegetable You Hate: I can't stand the smell of Petchay Tagalog and Cilantro! Yelch!!

W - Worst Habit: Saying 'Tsk' when I'm pissed off.

X - X-rays You've Had: None..

Y - Yummy Foods: Potato anything, Pizzas!, and Chinese Food! Sisig! Soups!

Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I love buying ballpens. Yes - when I go abroad, I go into a bookstore and go crazy over ballpens! Even here in Manila - that's my first stop - ballpen section!

2. I'm messy - Like Monica Geller! I love to organize other people's stuff but I'm quite messy with my own. As my brother would say 'Organized Mess'

3. I love to talk, I can't stop talking. If I do stop - there's something wrong.

4. I'm very good in remembering faces and names - why? I don't know! Hahaha..

5. I always bring Mighty Bond with me (in my bag) wherever I go.

6. I am a frustrated baker.

7. I am very resourceful and innovative! I fixed the drainage for the sink of our bathroom in our ghetto Beijing apartment! :) Hahaha.. This is what the whole thing looks like, and This is what it actually looks like up close

I am tagging: Kath, Jenn, Jake, Chris, Sophie, Christine, Char, John


  1. hi di! thanks for tagging me... did you notice walang M? ;0)

  2. thanks for tagging me di! eto m working on mine na =)


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