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Moskigo: The insect repellent patch!

I’m a firm believer of Citronella as an insect/mosquito repellant. My mom was the first one who introduced me to this – she bought a bottle of Citronella oil out of curiosity because her friend was recommending it as an alternative to the usual Baygon and Raid. My mom then instructed the helper to pour some oil into a pail of water and mop the floor using the mixture. What then followed was a wonderfully scented living room and office – sans mosquitoes! It was then, that we believed on the ‘powers’ of citronella.

During one of the ‘club’ dinners – Richard and his lovely wife introduced Moskigo to me and Jane. I was surprised to smell the scent of Citronella! I was more surprised to learn that it was indeed Citronella – and the scent came from a sticker patch! Can you believe it? I mean, a sticker patch – that you can stick anywhere – anytime!

Moskigo is a patch infused with the essence of Citronella – thus, it’s an insect repellant patch! No need to worry about sticky lotions that you have to apply on your skin from time to time for its effectivity! No more icky scented lotions and concoctions! With Moskigo – all you need to do is stick the patch to your clothing, blanket, belt or hat, and voila! You’re insect free!!

What’s nice about this product is that its safe, effective and very simple to use! The scent is wonderful too!

These patches will go in handy for those whose kids are constantly on the go. More especially now that the rainy season is here. As we all know, health is wealth! If you value your health, check out these Moskigo patches.

I promise – they’re worth it.

Contact Person: Richard Co
Email Address:
Mobile Number: +639228303901

1 Pack = 12 Stickers
