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Kailee, the swimmer (wannabe)

My daughter loves the water so much.  Yes, when she was still an infant, she loved taking a bath!  When she was diagnosed with Skin Asthma/Eczema, we were advised by the doctor to bathe at least twice a day - and she loved it so much!

But even if she loves the water - she was afraid of the pool.  Well a real actual swimming pool that is.  We would bring her to my sister in law's pool (at her condo) and she would hang on to my Panget's neck for dear life!  But she enjoyed the water very much.  So last January, when we knew that we were going to Bohol, my Panget insisted to enroll her to the Aqualogic swimming class.  My two nieces were schooled here (including my nepher) - and they are now very confident in the water.

The first three classes were so stressful.  During the first class, she was so excited to see her baby cousin in the pool!  But when it was her turn to swim (my Panget was in the pool with her), she was crying and semi screaming!  It took her a two more lessons to become more comfortable.  The second and third session was a struggle.  She would be excited at home and once we reach the pool area, she would refuse to go into the pool.  I was honestly losing hope that she would enjoy her sessions, but once when I had to be in the pool with her (my Panget was indisposed) she felt a lot more comfortable.  After that session, I made it a point to be with her in the water because I felt that she was enjoying her time in the pool more.  I do hope that being with me made her more confident in the water.

So, last weekend we were in Bohol.  And she was so excited for the pool.  I honestly wondered what she would do!  And well, I am happy to report that she was so confident with herself that I was afraid that she might jump into the deeper pool and drown!  She was so confident, no fear - all smiles and was so eager to immerse herself in the water.  We actually got some cute shots of her underwater.  Pictures to follow.

I am posting a video here of her being underwater.  I know she still doesn't know how to swim (float and kick) but the confidence she has in the water is very admirable if you ask me.  I am a proud mom!  I am so proud of her!

Thank you Aqualogic for making my Kailee enjoy and love the water!  Thank you Teacher Ria!   I am now a believer in your methods!


  1. Congrats to your daughter for conquering her fear of swimming. Next thing you know, she'll be competing in that sport. :)


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