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ExpoMOM goes to TRINOMA!

I have been trekking to Makati to catch the EXPOMOM event of MommyMundo for the past few years.  I am soooo very happy and giddy with excitement that they're heading to my turf - TRINOMA!!!

So happy that they'll be in Trinoma on July 16 and 17!  So reserve your weekends and catch this lovely expo!

See you there!! :)

Here's there Press Release:

Expo Mom goes to the North

Expo Mom: The Motherhood Journey kicked off its flagship event for the year at the Glorietta Activity Center last April then going all over the Philippines to connect with fellow Filipino moms in Cebu, Bacolod, Davao and CDO.

Expo Mom spent a weekend in Cebu on June 18, then Bacolod on June 25. After, we head back to the Metro and stop over in Alabang on July 2. Next stop, is in YOUR side of the metro! Mommy Mundo visits TriNoma with EXPO MOM NORTH on July 16-17, 2016, Saturday to Sunday at the TriNoma Activity Center, from 10am to 10pm. Visit our gathering of active moms and dads, visit our booths showcasing the latest products and services for parenting, and listen in on our talks and workshops onstage. Most important of all, meet and connect with fellow moms and celebrate the motherhood journey.

Expo Mom: The Motherhood Journey is co-presented by Caltrate Plus, and Belo Baby and supported by Working Mom Magazine, TriNoma as its venue partner and Creative Juice Communications as logistics partner.

Expo Mom, running since 2008, is the banner event of Mommy Mundo, an organization dedicated to educating, inspiring, and empowering moms with useful, relevant, and up-to date information and support.

For more information, visit

Mommy Mundo

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