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Review: Tupperware Click Series

I honestly DO NOT LIKE peeling anything.  I super love french fries, but I really dislike having to peel the skin off.  So what I do is I just wash it and cut it up and fry them.  In short, my fries have potato skins on them.

I'm sure everyone is familiar is with the old kind of peelers.  Those stainless ones that are flimsy and most of the time are not stable enough.  That is what I dislike the most.  Hahaha!!

Look at these new peelers from Tupperware!

I can't believe they are peelers!  They're so pretty!  Why didn't they make peelers this attractive before?  Hahaha!!  Innovation, I guess.  But look at it.  It's smart, functional AND practical!

Honestly, I didn't need to use the others anymore - I stuck to using one.  Yaya Belen loves this peeler too!  So you can just imagine, how much homemade fries I am eating right now.  Shhhhhh!!  Hihi..

Here is a video of me taken by Connor using the peeler.  It's easy to use and very practical!  I am not scare that I will hurt myself or that the peeler will breakdown because of flimsyness.  I apologize for the dark setting.

See?  Nothing, I mean NOTHING goes to waste!  Hahaha...

We also got these very cute and useful containers!  Aren't they lovely?

They are, right?  I grew up with the brand Tupperware.   I can still remember it as if it was yesterday that my mom brought home a set for us to use.  Pitcher, the iconic Tupperware pitcher brings back so many memories of my childhood.  I wish I kept out old Tupperware pitcher as a remembrance.  Hahaha!!

Here's another nifty kitchen tool from Tupperware - the spiralizer!

I remember seeing those spiral potatoes being sold in the streets of Myeongdong, Seoul!  I honestly wondered who they cut those up.  Well, well, well - this is the secret!  Hahaha..  Now we can do those spiral potatoes at home!!

Here is the slot for the finger - BRILLIANT, right?

I really like the feel of these new Tupperwares, they make food prep a bit more fun and colorful.  Even the kids now want to participate and help prepare the food.

Good job, Tupperware!

Prices are the following:
Click Series Peelers - P1,299.00
Unbelieva-Bowls - P399.00 each
Spiralizer - comes FREE
