I am a diaper snob. There, I said it. I have certain brands that I like - well, actually - I have only 4 brands that I like. EQ, Mamy Poko, Goon and Huggies. All the rest, I honestly don't bother with them anymore. Why? Well, I've tried them and they're not hiyang with my kids. I've not bought diapers for years, so when I gave birth - first things first, choose a diaper brand that you will *want and wish* to be hiyang with the baby. I started with EQ for Shobe and so far so good! I was happy because out of the 4 brands, EQ was the most *economical* of them. Honestly no matter the status in life - what we want is to get the most of our purchases, and personally - I felt that we had just that with EQ. After the new year, I received a care package - when I opened it, it contained two packs of Playful Diapers and wipes (this is for another post). I honestly have NOT heard nor seen the brand around at supermarket...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..