I was really excited to post my RAVE on the restaurant Al Dente. I even took pictures, even if they were amateur - I was proudly going to post them here. Unfortunately, I had some bad news given to me late yesterday afternoon. And so I have to postpone that post. My good friend Cubie - who's based in Hong Kong - has stage 4 cancer. I was and still am in shock. When my brother called to give me the news - I was in shock. As soon as I put down on the phone - I cried so hard and immediately called Cubie. And within a few seconds - she indeed confirmed that she was diagnosed with Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis - and it was already in Stage 4 and that it has spread to her chest, her lungs especially. The news broke my heart in so many pieces. I couldn't stop crying - I was inconsolable. I couldn't believe that she has cancer - she just celebrated her 27th birthday last February 21, 2007. She's so young!! What happened? With the few minutes we spent on the mobile - ...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..