I was browsing through shobe Sophie's blog and a title caught my eye - Beijing Travel Bug . You see, I spent half a year in Beijing last 2002 - and with that, I fell in love with the city. Dirty, Filthy, Impolite, ruthless and backward - say whatever negative thing you can think of - I fell in love with the city. Since I spent half a year there - you can say that it somehow became part of me. I grew up there, I literally did. And I will forever be indebted to Beijing for whatever transformation it brought about in me. Memories shared will forever be treasured. Since I love Beijng - and I'm super curious about China's history (ask my Panget how many Mao books I've bought and how fascinated I am with China) I clicked the link, and it literally brought me back to the place I sort of call home (I know! Icky, but true!) For those of us who miss our Beijing life.... Here's a blog to take us back in time. Although I'm thinking that the place has changed dram...