Whenever I think of the US of A, I always think of shopping. And when I think of shopping, supermarket shopping comes in mind immediately, as this is my favorite. I associate supermarket shopping with shopping around Costco. I know, it's not entirely a supermarket, but what the heck - most of their goods are supermarket-y anyways. Trips to Costco will always end with buying a number of Polish hotdogs/sausages on buns, large sodas and pizzas! This has got to be m favorite part! Yes, I admit it, I enjoy eating rather than going shopping! And so whenever my mom would go to Costco, I'd tag along just because I wanted to eat those Polish sausage/hotdogs. Its been almost a decade since I last visited the US of A. And since my last visit, I haven't had any decent Polish Sausage/Hotdog. My mom and I have been searching and searching for that Polish Sausage/Hotdog that tastes similar to the ones they had in Costco, but our search left us empt...
tales of whatever things (from food to travel to mommy things to anything under the sun!) from a passionate story teller.. it just goes on and on and on ..